World Class Returns with Midcontinent Roots.

Research Bridge Partners makes formative investments in biomedical startup companies based on the breakthroughs of preeminent innovators at mid-continent research universities—creating high quality investment opportunities that are sourced from geographies with thinner commercialization resources.

Research Bridge Partners has developed a novel means of bridging two of America’s most productive resources –

our research universities and the commercialization centers in the Bay Area and Boston. Founded by Isaac Barchas and Reid Hoffman, we source and launch biomedical startups led by scientific co-founders in illiquid commercial markets where many of the best investment opportunities are overlooked, cost-prohibitive or inadequately prepared.

  • Identify and engage preeminent researchers at midcontinent universities. We use proprietary analytics to identify academic researchers nationwide whose science and entrepreneurial mindsets are characteristic of successful biomedical startups. We also collaborate with innovators at leading research institutions where we have trusted, longstanding relationships.
  • Establish the protections and infrastructure required for a startup’s success. We validate and protect the company’s intellectual property. We also establish high-performance governance and management frameworks, including building the board of directors.
  • Enhance data diligence.
  • We help researchers understand the distinction between academic data, regulatory data and the data most valued by venture capitalists.
  • Initiate seed investments. We develop and execute capitalization strategies based on the value of the intellectual property and prevailing market conditions, as well as the objectives of our investors.
  • Scale the company. We deploy the human and financial capital for the pre-clinical and early clinical development of the intellectual property and growth of the company, while developing portfolio and partnership strategies.

We invest both tax-exempt and for-profit capital. While both types of capital reside in separate funds, they nevertheless complement one another in the overall mission, as well as the financial returns on our investments. The tax-exempt capital identifies overlooked, high-quality scientific research, readies them to be launched as successful startups, and makes program-related investments in these early-stage startups when commercial capital is not available.  The for-profit capital builds on this strong foundation and is used to attract other investment dollars.

The various returns on our investments match the expectations of our individual partners:

  • Downstream investors, including institutional investors, family offices and philanthropic foundations, target gains that are on par with those produced by leading biomedical funds.
  • Innovators at midcontinent universities optimize the value of their breakthroughs for the benefit of people everywhere, as well as themselves, their colleagues, and their students.
  • Midcontinent universities enhance their licensing revenue and institutional stature, along with their ability to attract and retain leading innovators as faculty members.
  • CEOs and other scaling-business talent capitalize on extraordinary opportunities to use their expertise and experience in increasing human health and wellbeing.

The Research Bridge Partners team consists of experts in translational research, investment banking, venture capital, management consulting, data analytics, and biomedicine.
